Purpose-Driven God
Exodus 4:1-17
Ryan Smith
Our backstory is found in Exodus 4. Moses is living in the land of Midian, having fled there from Egypt after he had killed an Egyptian. He has lived in Midian now for almost 40 years, and Moses is 80 years old. He is married to one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah, and Moses has been tending flocks for his father-in-law for a while now.
Purpose – the reason we exist. What is the purpose of each of our lives? Each and every person on the planet is designed for a purpose.
Jesus knew his purpose and He lived with purpose. Jesus knew his purpose was to die on the cross and nothing would deter him from it.
John 12:27-28 “Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.”
In Exodus 4, God is telling Moses his purpose – “this is what I want you to do.” However, Moses was making the whole thing about himself.
The first sentence of the book The Purpose-Driven Life is “it’s not about you.” We live in a me-centered culture that tells us that it is all about me. Taylor Swift just came out with the song with the title “ME!” and it instantly went number one. In order to realize our purpose we have to start by realizing that our purpose is bigger than ourselves.
Moses is worried about what people might think or what they might say. “What if?…” God tells us to do something and we talk ourselves out of it because of the What Ifs: “What if I look foolish?” “What if I’m embarrassed?” “What if people don’t like me?” “What if they criticize me?”